The Phoenicians’ Route is lead partner of the new project “NEXT ROUTES – Upskilling of staff through digital, creative gamification and innovative strategies for the enhancement of EU Cultural Routes‘ accepted for funding by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
The project brings together 6 Cultural Routes certified by the Council of Europe (in addition to the Phoenicians’ Route, European Route of Jewish Heritage, European Mozart Ways, Routes of the Olive Tree, ATRIUM – Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes of the 20th Century In Europe’s Urban Memory and Iron Age Danube Route), Mobile Idea Srl, one of EU’s leading private companies specializing in technological innovation applied to the cultural and tourism sector and a research institute, the Breda University of Applied Sciences.
NEXT ROUTES is a very innovative project that will implement actions to further reinforce CRs staff’s skills and knowledge in all aspects related to digital and creative competencies, to support CRs in the digital transition and to help them manage and disseminate CRs contents in an engaging and effective way by promoting their cultural heritage through innovative gamification approaches. The proposal represents a great opportunity for CRs staff upskill, providing them with an easy-to-use tool for the enhancement of their territories and heritage, making it accessible also to culturals’ members and interested stakeholders.
NEXT ROUTES will achieve the following results:
– a Training Methodology (PR1) to guide CRs staff in upskilling digital & creative competencies, for the enhancement of CRs;
– a Toolkit (PR2), an interactive platform delivering tailored training pathways for CRs staff digital upskilling and embedding gamification apps for users engagement;
– a User Manual (PR3), a step-by-step guide supporting in the use of the toolkit for training purposes and for the creation of customized game-based solutions.
The project will represent a great added value both at Cultural Routes level, through the improvement of skills and knowledge, and at EU level with the great impact that it will achieve among all the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe, through the capitalisation of the toolkit and the NEXT ROUTES user manual.
Moreover, the project will promote some of the priorities of the CR Programme, which are perfectly in line with the horizontal priorities of the Erasmus+ Programme: co-operation in research and development; enhancement of memory, history and European heritage; promotion of the social and educational value of European cultural heritage.
For the latest update see link: https://arcg.is/144Wn9
24 Months (2023-2025)
Kick-off meeting - Salzburg 14th November 2023, hosted by Mozart Ways
2nd Transnational Project Meeting - Breda 07th May 2024, hosted by Breda University
The Phoenicians’ Route Association based in Italy;
European Association for the Preservation and Promotion of Jewish Culture and Heritage based in Luxembourg;
Iron Age Danube Route Association based in Croatia;
Association of the European Mozart Ways based in Austria;
ATRIUM Association – Architecture of Totalitarian Regimes in Europe’s Urban Memory, based in Italy;
The Olive Tree Cultural Foundation based in Greece;
Mobile Idea Srl, Italy;
Stichting Breda University Of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
Funded by: Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Budget: 400.000,00 eur
IADR Budget: 36.235,00 eur